It appears that Kingston Conservatives former leader Kevin Davis has had a "Saul on the road to Damascus" moment.

In his letter (Guardian 22/3/07) he made the following points: 1. Kingston has a poor Government grant. Will he not then add his ample support to the Lib Dem campaign to claw back some of its money from the Government. Not for political reasons, but for the general benefit of the people Kingston and Surbiton.

2. He speaks of "long-term problems of poor grants". The solution being to change the Government and voteConservative. I read from this - and he'll correct me if I'm wrong - that under a Conservative Government there will be higher grants for Kingston, lower Council Tax, no closure of homes for the elderly, no Conservative councillors blaming others, no poor decision making, no cuts in services.

It's a land of milk and honey under the new Conservatives. Wait a minute, was that a flying pig?

Leslie Ian Jones Victoria Avenue, Surbiton