Virgin Radio DJ Christian O'Connell talked of his foray into local democracy on the airwaves.

Mr O'Connell appointed himself spokesman for a group of residents in Kingston's Canbury ward who are in favour of a CPZ in their area.

The council consulted on this issue and found the majority of people, including Mr O'Connell, supported it.

But after the consultation another group of residents set up a petition campaigning for a change in the proposed enforcement hours.

The two groups came head-to-head at a meeting in the Guildhall last Wednesday, for which Mr O'Connell missed the opportunity to hang out with Dr Who star David Tennant.

It appears his impression of the Guildhall was not a favourable one, describing it on his breakfast show as smelling of: "admin, old and bureaucracy."

His impression of the councillors was even worse. Surprised at the formal appearance of the meeting, with the horseshoe of tables, the water and the microphones, he said of the councillors: "Some were alive, but not many of them."

The issue has yet to be resolved, and the radio DJ noted that there was still "bad blood" in his street as a result.

Councillor David Ryder-Mills explained that the CPZ will go ahead, it was just a matter of discussing and agreeing on the hours of the restrictions, which will be discussed at the next meeting in April.

Coun Ryder-Mills said the residents' reactions have surprised him.

"We go to great lengths to consult people as we want to know what the majority of people want. What has surprised me is the passion of the residents on both sides," he said.

But Mr O' Connell's fame is wasted on Coun Ryder-Mills.

He said: "Put it this way, I wasn't aware he was a DJ until one of my colleagues prodded me in the ribs during the meeting. I wouldn't have thought it would have made a difference to anyone's opinion."