The recent documentary from Channel 4 brought a breath of fresh air' to the global warming debate. The programme was extremely well presented and convincingly argued by scientists of the highest calibre.

It destroyed, once and for all, the myth that global warming is due to man-made carbon emissions. Quite the reverse, as the programme showed, global warming is due to increased sun spot activity, and the carbon emissions are actually due to the increase in temperatures not the other way round! This increase in sun spot activity is all part of the cycle that has produced ice ages followed by warmer periods throughout the life of the earth.

This is not to say that we should not conserve our stocks of fossil fuels. They are running out, and we have to put extra resources into finding viable alternatives, especially for transportation.

Political parties around the world have jumped on the carbon emissions bandwagon as a means of justifying even more taxes and restrictions on our way of life, and as the programme hinted, to hold back on the development of Third World rivals to the existing developed nations. Don't be fooled you are being conned.