There was a bit of a stink in Queen's Gardens on Saturday as bin bags full of disposable nappies were piled together to highlight just how much waste they generate.

A staggering 52 bags made up the pile, which equates to the amount used by just one baby in a year. And they are all sent to landfill.

The event, organised by Croydon's Real Nappies Network as part of National Real Nappy Week, was designed to show parents reusable cotton nappies are a better, more environmentally-friendly, choice.

They would significantly reduce the huge 4,216.68 tonnes of Croydon's household waste that comes from the disposable alternative and could save parents £500 over 12 months.

Councillor Phil Thomas, cabinet member for streets and environmental services, said: "Disposable varieties have nearly twice the impact of home-laundered nappies and we, both locally and nationally, can no longer afford to ignore that impact - we have to act now to minimise the long-term consequences."