Regarding the proposed sites for Stanley Park School, I don't think that it's up to those against the allotment site to nominate Orchard Hill as the ideal choice, or to try to pick holes in the arguments of those who don't want the school there either, in the hope of foisting the problem off on to someone else.

The council's own W S Atkins report says that it is entirely feasible to rebuild on the current site. Lena Poppe's arguments for the Orchard Hill site (letters March 15) really don't help when anyone reading her letter will know that they come from someone who wants the school built anywhere but the allotments.

Firstly, it is not true to say that very few of the residents of the newer houses on the hospital site would be affected - we will all be affected by the same problems that she mentions for the allotment site of noise, traffic etc.

She also assumes that the residents would object to further housing on the site, without anything to actually base it on. The amount of traffic generated by housing would be nowhere near that produced by a school with 1,500 plus staff and pupils.

How would a constant flow of traffic from housing cause more of a bottleneck than a school where everyone arrives and leaves in two peak periods in a day? If she objected to the houses on the grounds of traffic being a problem, what does she think the school being put on the site will cause?

The argument about playing fields not being on site does not hold up either. I can't see a problem with pupils walking between two sites as they do already.

Re the "consultation" done by the council - Guardian article People want Orchard Hill, March 15 - this doesn't seem to be a very scientific survey, more of a straw poll of those who might have received the letter, which the council and the Guardian are trying to pass off as a proper piece of research to fit their agenda.

The Guardian as a local paper should be working in the interests of all residents of the borough. However, they are now campaigning for one group of residents interests over another's. Where is the coupon to fill in and send back if you want the school to stay where it is?

MATTHEW LEATT Lawson Walk Carshalton