The reason I have not been campaigning to save hospital services at Bolingbroke is because they are not in any real danger.

The local NHS has said its preferred option is to move them to the new St John's health centre which opened just two weeks ago.

The hospital services would have the same space as they do now, the same staff and even the same name. The only difference is that they would be in a new building.

If they were planning to move them out of Battersea, I'd be fighting them tooth and nail, but they are planning to move them to another part of Battersea, half a mile away.

Can I urge your readers to fill in my survey which is being delivered to everyone in my constituency by the Wandsworth Guardian and let me know whether they would prefer the services to stay where they are or move.

I will give the NHS my views when I know what local people think.

I think Councillor Ian Hart must have a guilty conscience, because Wandsworth Council really is closing Wandsworth Museum and they are doing it without consultation, whereas the NHS is not closing its services but wanting to move them and it is consulting local people fully.

Martin Linton MP for Battersea, Balham and Wandsworth