The letters page of your paper has recently been full of politicians blaming everyone but themselves for the high level of council tax.

This is, I suppose, natural, but we are this year faced with the highest council tax in London, an increase twice the rate of inflation and cuts to vital services. Inevitably, there are two sides to the argument. We do indeed have poor government funding, but also poor decision-making by the Lib Dem Council. Is putting at risk £11m- illion on a theatre really appropriate, when you are closing elderly care homes? Of course not.

What is the solution? It is clear that the Lib Dem run council needs to get a grip of its council budget because next year they predict they will be cutting twice what they have this year. But if we are to solve the long terms problems of poor grant then we need to change the Government. Council tax is not the only reason for getting rid of this Government, but it is a good start for Kingston. I hope the next general election comes fast, and when it does all those in Kingston vote for a new Conservative Government that will care for the elderly and not abuse them, as Labour has done with council tax.

Kevin Davis Surbiton