I was moved by recent television coverage of the coffins of four of our brave service people being carried onto a plane after having been killed in action in Afghanistan.

The assembled parade of armed service personnel was dignified, professional and, above all else, underlined the reason why the Armed Forces of Great Britain have such a high level of respect around the world. I was therefore incensed to note the media coverage concerning the care or lack of care given to our - yes, our - service men and women returning to this country after being injured or wounded in action on our behalf.

On one hand, this discredited Government are closing the last small specialist military hospital on the grounds of cost, while on the other hand they wish to spend billions on the London Olympics - much of which they expect to be raised by the general public.

Well as far as I am concerned - stuff the Olympics.

Let's spend our money where it should be spent - looking after the health and well-being of those young people that this dreadful Government insist on sending to wars that have nothing to do with safeguarding British interests abroad.

MICHAEL J COWAN Ruggles Brise Road Ashford