The full cost of an appalling vandalism attack at South Norwood pool has been revealed.

A town hall source leaked documents to the Croydon Guardian which show taxpayers will have to fork out £583,000 to cover the cost of the damage which was inflicted in August 2006.

A report into the vandalism and its costs was due to be discussed behind closed doors at a meeting of the council's cabinet committee on Monday.

But a mole who was concerned about the cost to council taxpayers sent the papers to our office.

The document reveals how during late July to early August last year, doors, windows, light fittings, lockers cubicles and changing areas were wrecked.

The building was empty because the council was drawing up a plan to refurbish the pool rather than build a £10million new one which had been promised by the previous administration.

Costs to repair the vandalism include £40,000 to repair damage to lockers, cubicles and changing areas while £126,500 has been put aside to cover time delays to the contractor.

Council leader Mike Fisher said the vandalism was "unprecedented" and insisted taxpayers were still getting good value for money from the South Norwood pool scheme.

But the news has outraged Labour leader Councillor Tony Newman said the cost of repairs was higher than he had been led to believe.

A council spokesman said it was a "victim of serious crime despite having security measures in place".

It also maintained its decision to refurbish rather than rebuild the pool - a £6million money-saving move that angered local residents and led to a tireless campaign to see the decision reversed.

The decision to discuss the issue in private was also defended.

"It has long been customary for matters of commercial sensitivity relating to contractual payments to be considered privately by members, this ensures the council protects information which could otherwise impact on its ability to deliver value for money for the residents of the borough. Naturally all such items are listed on Part A agendas and are also publicly minuted to ensure transparency in the decision-making process," the spokesman added.

News of the vandalism and associated costs comes as Croydon Council announced it was considering building a new pool in the south of the borough.

The pool is expected to be in Coulsdon with the Lion Green Road car park being mooted as a possible site.

It will be one of three new pools in the borough - sitting alongside new facilities in Waddon and New Addington. The new pool proposals will be considered by the cabinet when it meets next Monday.