The family of a 16-year-old boy, shot dead at an ice rink last month, have appealed again for witnesses to come forward.

James Smartt-Ford's family visited the Streatham rink on Saturday night to reiterate the need for information.

It is now five weeks since the 16-year-old was shot dead when a gang of up to 40 youths stormed the ice rink during one of its disco nights, which was attended by about 350 people.

So far eight people, including six male youths, have been arrested and bailed in connection with the shooting, but police are still appealing for witnesses.

Shortly before 11pm, on February 3, James had been at the bottom of the stairs leading on to the ice when he was approached by a black male. Two or three shots were fired at him and he staggered for a few metres before falling on to the ice.

Det Ch Insp Adnan Qureshi said they had an open mind over the motive for the shooting, which happened during a disco attended by up to 350 people.

Speaking outside the rink on Saturday night he said: "We are following a number of significant inquiries. However, we still need people to come forward."

He said he believed potential witnesses may be too afraid to come forward but said he was sure there were people who knew the motive behind the shooting.

"There were a lot of people here. Some were skating, some were on the perimeters when an unknown black male approached from behind and fired two shots."

The officer said the victim's mother had attended the scene with other family members but was too distressed to talk.

"She is very upset. She has lost a 16-year-old son who was totally innocent."

DCI Qureshi said an incident room had been set up and people with information could contact police there, or ring Crimestoppers anonymously.

James' death was one of three teenage gun murders within a two-week period in south London.

Michael Dosunmu, 15, and Billy Cox, also 15, were both gunned down at their homes in south London.