Unlike Sarah Hanson-Kahn (Letters, February 28) I do not wish to thank Kingston Council for the Berrylands Trial waste collection.

Like her, I do my best to recycle so I am pleased that cardboard is to be added to a weekly recycling coll ection.

However I am sure that after a fortnight, my black wheelie bin will be full as the council will not be collecting plastic food trays and pots or "Tetrapak" drinks cartons even those these items could be recycled. Furthermore, if my bin lid won't close, their leaflet instructs me that my bin will not be emptied. What happens to my waste then I don't know but presumably I am expected to transport it to the tip myself in my polluting car!

My biggest concern however is with the method of disposing of food. Each house will have a brown bin full of putrefying food scraps which will be tipped into a lorry once a week and almost certainly spilt on roads, pavements and down the lorry itself. Each resident will be left with a filthy bin to clean as no bin liners are allowed. Hardly civilized.

Christa Day, Southcote Avenue, Berrylands