Wow! Tesco must be very pleased that all of 25 people have so far contacted it about sitting on its working group, so that it can revamp the scheme in order to gain more public support.

Does it think its supporters will exceed its opponent - some thousands, I believe - or does it think withdrawing the application and presenting it again later in the year will make people say they can't be bothered to go through the whole thing again?

Well, you go ahead, Tesco, and you will see that the good people of Tolworth are up to it.

You will have the same, if not more, opposition to you and your plans than you have already experienced.

For Tesco to say if there is no retail element then it's extremely unlikely that the community benefits would be included, should not surprise anyone.

No planning permission for a superstore, no community goodies, that seems clear enough.

Tesco is not into philanthropy but it is also not good at accepting that the majority of people living in Tolworth do not want their Superstore, Environmentally Green Bridge or any other kind of planning perks it has up its sleeve.

Beryl and Ray Broom, Alexandra Drive, Surbiton