Imagine being on the staff at the admirable St Peter's Hospital, Ashford, or considering applying for a job there or, even worse, contemplating entry as a patient and then reading the politically motivated abuse, once again, of the Tory like of Messrs Drinkwater, Leggett and often Spelthorne's MP.

A grateful and rational correspondent (Bob Calder) times the free journey, St Peters to Ashford, at 20 minutes. He actually praises the staff. The other two would choke.

The two Tory knockers claim the journey as eight hours. Maybe they mean Ashford, not to St Peter's, Chertsey but St Peter's, Rome, including a visit to the vatican.

The main target for Messrs Drinkwater and Leggett is the Ashford site, especially accidents and emergencies.

For the record, there were 29,000 patients last year alone treated there, for all sorts of problems, 90 per cent completed there.

From the patients point of view the report shows the lowest, waiting times and the highest patient satisfaction rate on record, on the combined A&E and ambulance services.

Twenty nine thousand patients for a service at Ashford which M Drinkwater denies exists - someone is less than truthful.

I am a proud patient at Ashford and if staff are too busy to stand up for themselves, their patients must do.