England is now home for more foreign criminals than ever before as the risk of getting caught becomes less and less.

When they are caught, foreign and English criminals are freed to commit more offences because the New Labour Government has not built enough jails to hold them.

One eighth of all criminals held in English jails are foreign nationals.

It is no wonder that with the Government failing to build enough jails and inventing more crimes that used be freedoms of speech and expression the Government fails to keep England safe for its residents.

Criminals are arming themselves with guns and knives to protect themselves from their own kind as enforcement becomes a farce not only in criminal law but planning permissions with conditions and many other areas as Spelthorne residents struggle to maintain green belt.

Are Asbo holders going to become Blair Youth. If so, what colour shirt will they be issued with as a further badge of office and mandate to destroy our way of life.

International immigration laws are out of date and need revising in line with the problems of today not 60 years ago.

We cannot retain criminals who are not English as more than one eighth of our jail population.

They and even minor criminals must all be returned to their country of origin immediately including those from the European Union.

Foreign nationals have no right to languish in English jails at taxpayer's expense when we do not have the capacity to hold the home grown variety.

What is required is the ability to return criminals or illegal immigrants to the last country they left to come here where there is doubt of their actual nationality or it is not practical to do so, after taking biological samples to identify them if they return.

Where nationality is established the treaty should provide for them to be deported to their own country to serve any sentence given immediately after sentencing.

Dual nationality must be discontinued as you cannot serve two masters.

Limited Immigration has worked in the past without racial or religious tension but the New Labour open door policy has ended all that as we struggle to cope with an alien criminal, gun and knife culture.

If you want to be English come into the parlour otherwise stay at home must be the order of the day for citizenship.

COUN JACK PINKERTON Stanwell North ward