A 44-year-old bus driver is preparing for this year's London Marathon by doing his training runs at three o'clock in the morning.

Thornton Heath bus driver David Greenslade decided to take advantage of the early morning's empty streets for his runs because his rota prevents him from doing it during the day.

He said: "3am is a good time to train. My body is at its lightest and if I start work at 8am I need a good few hours' recovery time.

"Except for the odd stragglers going home after a night out, the roads are usually clear. I get a few strange looks but have never had any hassle."

David, who drives a 289 bus, will be raising money for the national deaf and blind charity Sense, which helps to teach people with both sight and hearing difficulties skills that help them to live as independently as possible.

He said: "I worked as a missionary in Africa before becoming a bus driver. The experiences there made me determined to help children who are deaf and blind, all over the world."

David's employer, Arriva, has agreed to sponsor him.

If you too would like to help him reach his target of £1,500 call 07919 543289.