Welcoming the launch of the London Climate Change Action plan today, Darren Johnson is calling on Kingston upon Thames to engage in the effort to tackle climate change by reducing its carbon dioxide emissions. The average Kingston upon Thames resident is responsible for 2.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from household gas and electricity use every year - the equivalent to a small car driving nearly 15,000 miles, according to Darren Johnson, a Green Party member of the London Assembly.

Darren Johnson said: "Housing accounts for 44 per cent of London's carbon dioxide emissions. If Kingston upon Thames residents are to play their part in tackling climate change, major reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide produced from electricity and gas use in the home are needed, from turning off appliances when they are not being used to installing renewable energy supplies to their homes. According to the plan, Kingston upon Thames residents can benefit from the setting up of a Homes Advisory Service, which will provide environmental advice on how to install renewable energy technology in their homes and businesses. Kingston upon Thames residents can also benefit from lowered prices in loft and cavity wall insulation. By taking such simple steps, the average Kingston upon Thames household could reduce its annual fuel bill by around £300 if they made their home more energy-efficient."

"Climate change is the most serious and urgent problem which humanity has to face. The impacts upon Londoner's lives are potentially enormous, which is why we need radical measures. Kingston upon Thames residents won't need to reduce their quality of life, but they will have to change their behaviour in order to do their bit in tackling climate change. The current approach makes it both cheaper and easier for them to take part in the battle against climate change".