Two teachers at an independent Balham primary school have raised more than £7,000 for charity after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Kate Chubb and Samantha Culling, from Hornsby House School in Hearnville Road, spent a week in August climbing Africa's highest mountain in support of First Touch, a charity supporting the Neonatal Unit at St George’s Hospital, Tooting.

This week, Miss Chubb, head of years five and six, and head of maths Mrs Culling, handed over a cheque for £7,048 during a visit to the unit.

The teachers financed the trip to Tanzania themselves, so that all the sponsorship money could go directly to the charity.

More than £5,000 of the money raised was donated by Hornsby House families, through a sponsored climb by pupils across the playground climbing wall and a concert involving all three pupil choirs, the parent choir and the staff choir.

Miss Chubb said: “My nephew weighed just 1lb when he was born 15 weeks early at St George’s and we are enormously grateful for the dedicated care he received from the staff at the Neonatal Unit.

"He is now a happy, healthy seven year old and we are very pleased that our sponsorship money will help support their invaluable work.

"Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was a big challenge but it was an unforgettable experience.”