Residents have demanded action after a heavy downpour almost flooded their homes.

The water flooded right up to people’s doorsteps in Carshalton Grove near Westmead Road, Sutton, following a sudden downpour on Sunday afternoon.

The floods affected two houses and a block of flats. Residents say the problem occurs every time there is heavy rain.

Jim Demeza, 34, works for a graphic design company and lives in Carshalton Grove. The water, which came up above his angles, flooded right up into the entrance of his porch but fortunately not into his home.

He said: "Any time there is any kind of heavy rain the road floods.

"Sunday’s downpour was no exception although it was probably the worst it has ever been in the seven-years I have been there.

"A neighbour called Thames Water, to be told they couldn't do anything, because was Sunday. She has been complaining to them for the past 10 years and not got anywhere."

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The London Fire Brigade were called out and pumped all the water away.

On Tuesday morning Mr Demeza’s family woke up to a note from Thames Water saying an inspection of the road and drains had been carried out but no blockage found.

Jill Whitehead, chair of environment and neighbourhood committee said the council was meeting residents on site yesterday lunchtime (Wednesday).
She added: "We have demanded action from Thames Water and  we feel we need a proactive response from them."

Thames Water said they carried out an investigation but could not find a blockage in the drains. An engineer was due to inspect further today.

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