A former-brothel-madam-turned-robber who was involved in a violent raid on a family home has been jailed for seven years.

Maxine Soper, of Benhill Avenue, Sutton, was one of a four person gang that raided a house in Kent demanding drugs and money in February.

The 33-year-old mum, who was convicted for running a brothel in Tadworth in 2007, is the only member of the gang to have been jailed and has refused to identify the other robbers - despite claiming to have had sex with one of them.

Soper pretended to be a delivery worker when she arrived at the property in Waterstone Park, near the giant Bluewater shopping centre in Dartford, on February 7. Property owner Michael Awujoola answered the door only to have it smashed in his face as the gang poured into the house.

The raiders stormed the property demanding drugs and money as Mr Awujoola, his wife Laura and  their four-year-old son cowered. Mrs Awujoola told the robbers they did not have what they were looking for and they had got the wrong house. She tried to call the police but the phone was snatched from her.

The robbers searched the house but only found £140, a French driving licence and an ID card before they fled.

Soper, who also has convictions for drug offences, was arrested after her finger prints were found in the house and was jailed at Maidstone Crown Court on Tuesday.

Judge Martin Joy told her: "You were part of a plan for a violent robbery and the wrong house was targeted. It was a shocking and vicious attack. You knew what was going on.

"You failed to identify the others, even though you said you were in a sexual relationship with one of them. I accept you were not personally involved in the violence."