An Islamic group are proposing to convert the Worcester Park Tavern into a centre for their community.

The South West London Ismaili Community have purchased the old Worcester Park Tavern which closed in August 2012.

They want to use the property to serve the “social, cultural, educational and religious needs” of its members.

The Worcester Park Centre is expected to contain an activity space, a small library and an area for meditation and spiritual practices.

The building will be maintained by volunteers and there is on-site parking with up to 54 spaces.

A statement from the community said: “The community places great emphasis on trying to ensure that the appearance of their community centres is in harmony with the architecture and aesthetic of the area in which they are located and that they are good neighbours to all.

“The community is conscious of the fact that the Worcester Park public house is a local landmark and, accordingly, proposes to retain the character of the building. As such, they are proposing to make very few changes to its external appearance.

“Meditational practices and readings are held once a day (in the evening between 7.30pm and 8.30pm on weekdays and from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at weekends) and the use will generate less traffic, particularly during the evening rush hour, than did the public house before.

“It is very important to the Ismaili Community that the scheme is appropriate for the site and is fully understood by the neighbours.”


Your Local Guardian:

They are holding a public consultation event at St Mary’s Church, in The Avenue, on Friday 11 at 7.30pm to 9.30pm and on Saturday 12 at 10am to 4.30pm.