Families can join in two events celebrating the heritage of Walton and Cobham this month.

The annual Cobham Heritage Day, organised by the Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust, will return with old favourites plus some new events including Maypole dancing and Morris dancing.

The action will be centred around the Church Street area as well as on the Leg O’Mutton Field.

Vintage cars and motorcycles will be displayed, with the chance to show off your own models alongside Routemaster buses and a replica of a 1909 Demoiselle aircraft.

The Cobham Garden and Horticultural Association’s autumn show will also be welcoming children to enter their own offerings alongside their displays.

A highlight will be the popular duck race where 600 yellow plastic ducks will be launched from the weir by the Cobham Mill and float down the river to the finish line by the new riverhill platform.

The first 11 ducks to pass the finish line win a prize.

For the first time the festival will roll into the evening with entertainment by the Cobham Players and Elmbridge Ladies Choir in Cobham Village Hall.

The Walton Heritage Day falls on the same day and will offer up just as much fun by the River Thames at Walton Wharf.

This year a nautical theme will run through the stalls and include displays from sea cadets and the RNLI as well as Walton fire brigade on their river rescue boat.

People can enjoy tours of the Richmond Venturer that will dock at noon to the sounds of Cobham Brass Band, which has played at the event every year.

New this year is a family dog show, which can be entered by filling in an entry form available at James Neave Estate Agents in the high street.

A team of shire horses and traditional dray will give people trips around Walton and the town’s oldest building, St Mary’s Church, will be open with guided tours and bell ringing.

Cobham Heritage Day, Church Street area and Leg O’Mutton Field, from 11am to 4.30pm, Cobham Village Hall, Lushington Drive from 7pm, on Saturday, September 14. Visit cobhamheritage.org.uk.

Walton Heritage Day, Walton Wharf, off Manor Road, from 11.30am to 4.30pm on Saturday, September 14.