The number of patients failing to attend hospital appointments has dropped at the Epsom and St Helier trust helping them to save £665,000.

New figures from Epsom, Sutton and St Helier hospitals shows the numbers of patients failing to attend hospital appointments has improved dramatically since the introduction of a patient reminder call service.

Missed appointments cost the trust a staggering £4.5 million during 2011-12.

However, the new system calls patients a week in advance of an appointment which has led to a decline in the number of patients missing their appointments.

The saving is equivalent to staffing approximately 25 ward nurses for a year.

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Dr Ruth Charlton joint medical director and consultant paediatrician said: “We’re delighted our patient reminder service is working well and having a positive effect and would like to thank our patients for not missing appointments.

“We know there are genuine reasons some patients miss appointments but it does have a real impact on the work that we do as well as other patients.

"We would urge patients where possible to please let us know if you can’t make it and reschedule. Every missed appointment is a waste of public money and could have an effect on the health of our patients.”

You can amend an appointment by calling 020 8296 2000 or by visiting their website.