Wandsworth has more than 32,000 small businesses which run from the owner's home, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The data shows that more than half of all UK enterprises, a total of 2.5m firms, are now operated out of the owner's home.

This represents 52 per cent of the total number of UK small businesses and 8 per cent of the UK's total workforce,

The analysis showed that the South East and South West has the highest concentration of home business owners, both representing a tenth of total workforce in both regions.

London’s home business owner community accounts for 9 per cent of the total 4 million-strong workforce, with more than 356,000 across the city, and over 32,800 in Wandsworth alone.

More than a quarter (27 per cent) of Herefordshire’s 92,000 total workforce is a home business owner – the largest concentration across the whole of the UK.

Pembrokeshire is second with 23 per cent, or over 10,000 people, and Eastbourne is third with 20 per cent, or 8,074.

Men are more than twice as likely as women to run their own business from home, with 1.7 million male home business owners across the country, compared to around 818,000 female home business owners.

Jazz Gakhal, head of Direct Line for Business, who compiled the study, said: "Self-employment has been on the rise for several years and our research now shows that a great number of these people work for themselves from home."