Enthusiastic runners are being sought to take part in the new Surrey Half Marathon for Woking and Sam Beare Hospices.

Three members of staff at the hospices, including the chief executive, have already pulled on their running shoes and signed on the dotted line to lead supporters on their way.

Up to 7,000 runners will take part in the half marathon which will take a circular route from Guildford to Woking on March 9, 2014.

Along with chief executive Nigel Harding, Phil Wormley, director of income generation, and Rachel Hill, director of clinical services, will run the 13-mile route.

Mr Wormley said: “We are really excited to be part of Surrey’s first half marathon, which many say will soon be one of the greatest in the UK.

“All three of us think it’s a brilliant opportunity to take part in this exciting local event, and because the route goes through the community that we support it’ll make it even more special.”

The hospices’ team of 100 will receive support and training advice prior to the race, as well as a special Hospice100 team T-shirt, an invitation to the pre-race reception and encouragement, cheers and a post-race massage.

Runners are asked to raise a minimum of £400 for the hospices and can register by visiting wsbhospices.co.uk.