Sutton Council is looking at ways to develop a sustainable transport strategy for the borough.

Carshalton councillor Jill Whitehead, Richard Bourn of the Campaign for Better Transport and John Dales from Urban Initiatives have begun a consultation with outline options for Sutton’s future.

Your Local Guardian:

Coun Jill Whitehead 

Last week they discussed the history of the green travel project, Smarter Travel Sutton, and organisations from across the borough swapped travel and transport ideas.

Coun Whitehead, chair of Sutton’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, said: “It was a highly productive session and members of the community provided many useful ideas which will help enormously as we compile our new transport priorities for the future.

“Travel and transport decisions affect everyone’s life. The transport strategy will look at every user group – pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users, motorists and more – and try to fit their needs into an overall statement of plans and ambitions.”

The discussions will be used in the development of a new sustainable transport strategy which will go out to public consultation later in the year.

It is expected the final strategy will be completed by the end of the year.

What do you think could be done to develop a sustainable transport system for Sutton? Leave your comments below or email