An artist is hoping his work will prove small is beautiful as his new exhibition gets underway.

Carshalton artist John Stillman's new exhibition, Small Is Beautiful, opened at the Mine gallery in Carshalton High Street last week and runs until the end of the month.

It showcases Stillman's talent with watercolours in small formats - many of the paintings are no bigger than a postcard.

Most of the works are of things Stillman has spotted in the area and painted there and then - in the same way painters will often produce a small version of a painting as they see it and then produce a bigger version later.

Paintings done like this are known as 'plein air' - meaning in the open air.

Mine owner Andrew Candy says: "John's new exhibition, Small is Beautiful, focuses on distilling the very essence of his 'plein air' approach to painting, resulting in an outstanding body of small format work that captures and pays homage to those moments in life that cause us to stop, stand still and take in the simple beauty of nature and life at play around us.

"John has successfully captured these moments with a deft eye for composition and a sumptuous palette of light, colour and atmosphere."

Small is Beautiful; [mine] creative space and art gallery, Carshalton High Street; until Sunday, July 28, 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, until 10pm Thursday, 11am to 4pm Sunday; free; 0208 647 1800.