A widow, whose husband was murdered by gunmen who broke the door down into their family home, today described how the relationship with her son deteriorated after that tragic night.

Carlton Ned, 41, died after being shot in the chest at his home in Langdale Road, Thornton Heath, in the early hours of July 1, 2011.

The Old Bailey heard men wearing balaclavas forced their way into the property as his stepson, Karl Wilson, a rapper performing under the name Konan, returned home from a party.

Mr Wilson's mother Donna Michael was also shot in the incident, but recovered from her injuries.

Giving evidence, she told jurors today: "I asked him [Karl] several times if he knew who is responsible, but he says he doesn't know."

Asked by defence barrister Orlando Pownall QC if she had asked Mr Wilson who and what might be involved she added: "I can't say I have. The relationship wasn't that great after it happened."

Mrs Michael said her son did not live with her any more and she saw him occasionally - on average two or three times a month.

During cross-examination she said she was not aware he had bought a gun in May 2011 and had never seen him with a weapon.

Asked if her son had told her he had been stabbed in the past, Mrs Michael said: "I learnt about the incident because Karl came home in a hospital gown.

"He said he was jumped by about six young men in a club where he was giving a performance.

"He didn't discuss with me whether he could identify the young men, I asked him if he had reported it to the police but I can't remember what he said."

Mrs Michael told the court Mr Wilson had fallen in with a 'bad crowd' when he was 15, she had heard nothing to suggest he was in a gang.

Asked if she recognised the defendant's name or his nickname Flamer, Mrs Michael said no.

Christopher Thomas of Morrison House, Tulse Hill, denies six charges including murder, attempted murder and wounding with intent.

Jurors heard Mr Wilson and Mr Thomas knew each other because their girlfriends were friends and that Mr Thomas was jealous of Mr Wilson and his girlfriend Carmina Carew's friendship when the pair split up.

The case continues.