I was delighted to attend the Wandle Park Revival day on Saturday.

I had a great time there with my family and it’s a testament to the hard work of the local Council and volunteers that they were all able to pull off that vital regeneration work.

There was nothing party political about that event, everyone came together to celebrate a wonderful park.

That’s why I was disappointed to see the prospective Labour council candidates walking around with huge red rosettes giving red Labour branded balloons to innocent kids and carrying around a placard prophesying the death of the NHS.

Who do these people think they are?

This was a peaceful community event, not some opportunity for them to grandstand to score cheap political points.

By all means go and support the community that you want to represent, if you talk to people one-to-one then they’ll know you’re running.

There’s no need to shove it down our throats.

Very bad politics and very bad taste in my opinion.

Croydon deserves better than that, so it’s good to see our current Conservative Councillors not stooping to that opportunistic level.

Josef Khan, Waddon