Experts from the specialist kidney unit at St Helier Hospital are marking National Transplant Week.

This week experts have been holding information and advice stands for patients, staff and visitors.

The idea is to inform people about the organ donation register and to discuss organ donation in the event of death.

Dr James Marsh, joint deputy medical director and a renal consultant, said: “Figures show that more than 90 per cent of families will agree to donation if a loved one is registered and has discussed their wishes, but that drops to 40 per cent if donation wishes aren’t known.

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St Helier Hospital 

“And, for the people that we see and treat as they prepare for a kidney transplant, this can be a matter of life and death. 

"For a small number of our patients, their only hope is a transplant from the national waiting list as their family members aren’t compatible, ruling them out of being a living kidney donor for them. 

“Placing a patient on the transplant waiting list gives them hope, and the transplant itself can turn a patient’s life around.  Our patients see their kidney donors as giving a gift of life, not just a kidney.”

Doctors and nurses from the renal team will be in the re:treat restaurant at St Helier and will be joined by an organ donation specialist nurse from NHS Blood and Transplant today and tomorrow from 9am to 5pm.