A nurse who verbally abused dementia-sufferers, argued with colleagues and allegedly "displayed no insight" into why her behaviour was concerning has been suspended for a year.

Daniela-Florina Mysllinj was suspended last month at a hearing of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), after a string of alleged incidents at Warrengate Nursing Home, in The Warren, Kingswood, where she worked between June 2012 and February this year.

The NMC heard that there were concerns relating to Ms Mysllinj’s "behaviour, attitude and nursing practice" while working at the home, which provides nursing care for 40 elderly people, many of whom have dementia.

It said that in October 2012 she allegedly verbally abused a resident and "argued with another member of staff in front of a resident", and that in January 2013, she reportedly "called a dementia patient ‘stupid’ in front of other patients", which she did not deny, and "appeared not to understand why this behaviour was inappropriate".

According to the NMC, Ms Mysllinj also failed to follow basic hygiene and safety protocols and, in one case, left a multiple sclerosis patient with 12 puncture marks on her skin after taking blood "causing her considerable distress".

A report of the hearing stated: "It is alleged that Ms Mysllinj displayed no insight into why this was a matter for concern."

The NMC said that the nurse was finally dismissed from Warrengate after she made a "duplicate entry" for a medicine on a patient’s record which could have resulted in other staff giving the patient an overdose of it.

It concluded: "An interim order is necessary on the grounds of public protection and an order would be in the public interest."

It added: "There is a risk of repetition and consequent risk of harm to patients."

Mr Vandellen, representing Ms Mysllinj, argued that the nurse believed that issues arose because Warrengate was poorly managed, with many staff members having been dismissed and an instance when the police had to be called.

The report stated Mr Vandellen claimed: "There was personal animosity towards Ms Mysllinj from the home’s manager and some of this was related to an inspection by the Care Quality Commission when she did her duty and told the inspection of her concerns."

He said that after being dismissed Ms Mysllinj worked at Tadworth Grove Residential and Nursing Home, in The Avenue, Tadworth, where there had not been repetition of any of the issues arising at Warrengate.

But the NMC decided that given "the serious allegations, which are wide-ranging, attitudinal and relate to basic nursing care", a year-long suspension would be "appropriate, necessary and proportionate".