Last week’s split vote on the Beddington incinerator proposals gives us a chance to reflect on the folly of committing ourselves to a dangerous white elephant which could blight our lives for the foreseeable future.

Put simply, it’s the wrong technology, at the wrong scale, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The plant, if built, will tower over the Beddington Farmlands Reserve and the new Regional Park.

Yet it’s clear that far greener technologies already exist and are being adopted by more progressive councils across the land, who recycle almost twice Sutton’s current percentage.

The sole Liberal Democrat member of the planning committee to join the Conservatives and vote against it is to applauded for some courage and for listening to then powerful arguments put forward by a range of speakers at the meeting - including one of his fellow LibDem councillors.

Let’s hope that other members of his party, including  Tom ‘there is no alternative’ Brake, will now do their homework and realise that there is.

Bob Steel
Carshalton Green party