Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is not being investigated for running a private security firm, despite claims by unnamed critics about an alleged conflict of interest.

An article published by The Mail on Sunday last weekend reported that "critics" are concerned that Mr Hurley’s role as founder and CEO of Inspiration Security Solutions Ltd, which provides services for investigative, intelligence, risk and security issues, "clashes with his public role", and that his private security interests "will now be investigated".

But the chairman of Surrey's Police and Crime Panel, which holds the PCC to account, said Mr Hurley is not being investigated and that, after looking into the "rules around interests", the panel has concluded that no such conflict exists.

Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin said: "The Surrey Police and Crime Panel has considered the business interests of the PCC. 

"At a public meeting in December 2012, the PCC informed the panel that all his interests had been declared, in line with legislation, and that his businesses were on hold.

"The panel understands there has been no change in this and there is no conflict of interest.

"I don’t know where these claims have come from at all.  It’s a non-story."

In a document declaring his private interests on his website, Mr Hurley lists Inspirational Security Solutions Ltd and JK Chinese Healthcare Ltd, "both currently un-remunerated, no dividends declared".

A spokesman for the PCC, who served in the police for 30 years and is aiming to enforce a 'zero tolerance' approach to policing in Surrey, said Inspirational Security Solutions has not been closed, but has not generated any income since his election. 

He said: "The company has never worked for Surrey Police.

"The Mail on Sunday’s article cites ‘critics’ insisting there is a conflict of interest, but doesn’t name nor quote these critics.

"We have had no correspondence to this office indicating any such concern."

In an interview with the Epsom Guardian straight after his election in November Mr Hurley, 59, said he worked as a media pundit and did not mention active involvement in any business. 

The spokesman added: "The Commissioner is - and always has been - entirely open with the public that he is a retired senior police officer, a reservist army officer and an independent businessman.

"He continues to fulfil his commitment to the reserve forces and maintain his personal business interests, albeit on a reduced scale and within his own time, as is his right."


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