A Government minister will help launch a community project aimed at helping people keep in contact with the elderly.

Norman Lamb MP is coming to Sutton South for the start of Sutton South Hello, which is aiming to encourage neighbourliness.

It will be launched on Thursday, May 9, from 10am to 11.30am at Christ Church, in Christchurch Park, Sutton.

The project, which has cross party support from all of Sutton South’s councillors, is all about improving communication and offering help to people when it is needed.

They have produced a newsletter letting people know what events are going on locally and are hoping people turn up to the event on Thursday to let them know what activities they would like to see in the ward.

Sutton South Hello will also meet each Wednesday afternoon at Christ Church Community Hall for tea, coffee and a chat.

Your Local Guardian: Sutton South councillor, Heather Honour

Sutton South councillor Heather Honour said: "The number of older people is increasing and a lot of people get stuck in their flats and don’t get to go out that much.

"The idea is that as we develop this in Sutton South the ideas spread across the borough. It is about getting the community together."

If you know someone who needs support because they are lonely or isolated, contact Sutton Centre for Independent Living and Learning (SCILL) on 0208 770 4065.