Risottos are great because the core ingredients in can be easily found in the fridge or store-cupboard. There is nothing like a creamy risotto with asparagus and fresh spring/summer veggies. This is a dinner party must-do dish.

Serves 2

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20-30 minutes

You’ll need:

600ml vegetable stock
25g butter
4 spring onions, chopped finely
2 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
½ green chilli, de-seeded and chopped finely
150g Arborio rice
½ glass of white wine
Half a bundle (approx. 125g) British asparagus
100g British peas
2 tbsp (10g) grated vegetarian parmesan style cheese
3 tbsp (85g) crème fraiche
Juice and zest of 1 small lemon
Handful of chives, chopped finely

What to do:

Place the stock on a slow heat and keep it there whilst you are making your risotto.

In a separate large pan melt your butter and then add the spring onions, garlic and chilli and sweat until soft for 5 minutes.

Then add the Arborio rice and mix round well so it absorbs all the flavours, before adding the white wine.

When the white wine has been absorbed, add the British asparagus spears and start adding ladleful by ladleful of stock, adding the next one when one has been absorbed.

After 15 minutes of continual stirring and adding the stock, taste and adjust the seasoning and then add the peas.

After a further 5 minutes turn the heat off, add the parmesan and crème fraiche, lemon zest and juice and let them melt in before dishing up, serving and finishing off with some chopped chives.