Seven Walton-on-thames cubs have received huge praise after they were awarded the chief scout silver award.

The six cubs from 4th Walton-on-thames Cub Pack and one cub from 9th Walton-on-thames Cub Pack, Robbie, Matthew, Harry, Cameron, Jessica, Callum and Megan, all aged 10, received their awards from Alison Cox, district commissioner for Walton and Weybridge Scouts.

Cubs scout leader for 4th Walton-on-thames, Christine Bentley, said: "This is a fantastic achievement and they've all enjoyed themselves, since they joined cubs, to achieve it. They have completed lots of different activities including camping and learning new skills such as tracking, climbing and fire lighting, sport challenges, creative challenges and of course making new friends."

The cubs will now move on to scout troops where they can work towards their chief scout gold award.