A two-year-old boy has been taken to hospital after a supermarket caught fire in South Norwood.

Eight fire engines and 58 firefighters are tackling the blaze at the Nisa Supermarket on High Street, which started shortly before 11am.

Fire crews from West Norwood, Woodside, Croydon, Norbury, Bromley, Beckenham, Purley and Addington fire stations are at the scene.

A spokesman for London Fire Brigade said around half of the shop and part of the rear of the building is alight

London Ambulance were called to the scene and a spokeswoman confirmed staff treated two patients.

She said: "We sent an officer, one ambulance crew and a hazardous area response team to the scene.

"We treated two patients a 2-year-old boy and a man in his 30's for smoke inhalation. They have been taken to Croydon University Hospital, but not as a priority."

One witness, who did not want to be named said the shop owner had told her the fire was started by an electrical fault.

She said: "The lady who runs the shop said it was an electrical fault that started at the back of the shop. She said she saw flames and ran out of the shop to ring the fire and police.

"She said it started smoking slightly then all of a sudden it was really bad, apparently the shop is completely black.

"I think there are about six flats above the shop which were evacuated. They look like they have smoke damage."

The High Street is currently closed between Oliver Grove and Portland Road and bus routes 75, 157 and 410 are affected.