Wildlife lovers who get snappy this spring can win prizes for capturing shots of the creatures and plants in their gardens.

The Garden Wildlife Competition, running across south London, challenges amateur photographers to get a snap shot of the birds, insects, plants flowers and more in their gardens over the coming months.

The contest opened earlier this month and closes in on Friday, April 12. There will be one winner, voted for by the public, and 11 runners up who will be picked by a panel of judges.

Coun Jill Whitehead, chairwoman of Sutton Council's environment and neighbourhood committee, said: "We have a huge array of wonderful plant and animal life tucked away in people’s gardens across the borough and this is a great chance to show off our green credentials.

"We want to show people across the south of London how beautiful Sutton is. I know we have some very talented photographers here so this is a chance for them to flex their creative muscles and make sure Sutton plays a part in this wildlife project."

To enter the competition, email your name, contact details, and up to five photos to biodiversity@sutton.gov.uk. Each photo should have a date and location so that it can be included in the species records.