The mother of a 10-year-old boy from West Molesey said she was so proud after her son helped the fire brigade get to a fire.

George Starkie, 10, a year 6 pupil at St Alban’s Catholic Primary School, was walking to his nan’s house after school when he spotted the fire engine.

The crew from Esher fire station were on their way to a shed fire in Spring Gardens on Thursday, February 14, but could not find access to the address.

George said: “My mum had called me to say there was a fire and we knew where it was they needed to go. They said jump in, you can tell us the directions.”

George got into the front of the fire engine and said it was very exciting as the engine at the sirens on.

Arriving at the scene, George’s mother, Sarah Starkie, saw him jump out of the fire engine.

Mrs Starkie said: “I couldn’t believe it when I saw him jump out. I was shocked when I saw him get out the fire engine.

“He said to me ‘Mum they were lost so I told them where to go’. I couldn’t understand it at first but I am so proud of him. He gets really embarrassed when I say how proud I am.

“The fire brigade was really praising him. They let him put the uniform on.”

On Friday, February 15, blue watch at Esher fire station surprised George by going to a school assembly and one firefighter presented him with a baseball cap.

Speaking of why he helped the fire brigade, George said it was “the right thing to do” and “other people should help them too”.

George hopes to become a policeman when he is older because he wants to help other people.

Mrs Starkie said: “He is always helping other people. He is such a good boy.”