By Councillor Samantha George

What a long wait it’s been!

Three years after Merton’s Conservative councillors pledged to introduce free Wi-fi, the borough’s Labour Council has finally agreed to install this technology in Morden, Wimbledon, Mitcham and Pollards Hill libraries.

Meanwhile residents in West Barnes, Raynes Park and Colliers Wood will have to wait until at least March before they can also enjoy free Wi-fi in their local libraries.

This is nevertheless a step forward in the campaign by Merton Conservatives to make Merton’s libraries attractive places for residents to visit.

Wi-fi is commonplace in many cafes, schools and other public buildings and residents understandably expect to be able to use it when they go to their local library too.

That we will soon have free Wi-fi is clearly great news, not least because various other services can only be rolled out in our libraries once this is in place.

It’s just a shame it’s taken three years to deliver.

Labour could have done this ages ago; instead they spent their first year considering how to close libraries rather than how to invest in them.

Coun George is Merton Conservatives' spokeswoman for culture and libraries and represents Village ward. 

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