Croydon is very much open for business and ready for more investment according to Croydon Council.

Councillor Jason Perry, cabinet member for planning, regeneration and transport, was speaking to delegates at the Develop Croydon Conference 2012.

Cllr Perry highlighted an array of developments including Saffron Square, the Renaissance project, the potential of the Whitgift Centre and investment in transport as an example that Croydon Council is trying to be pro-active with developments.

He also insisted that Croydon is now ready to walk the walk in terms of development.

He said: “We can take investment money and make it work for the benefit of Croydon.

“The new bridge in East Croydon looks impressive. We are a borough that is open for business and focussed on delivery. That is what we are about.

“We are on site and we are here to help you invest and deliver London’s next big opportunity.”