Bright Star, The Tabard

This is a true story of astrophysicist Beatrice Tinsley and her progress from a much loved but unregarded housewife to the recognition for which she craved.

You may not like her but it is impossible not to admire her single-minded pursuit of the mysteries of the universe.

The conflict makes a very find play and Michelle Winton gives a performance of great depth and enormous strength. This is enhanced by the skilful playing of the other characters, her devoted passionate, but not understanding husband, his superior at the Texas college where he works who conceals his venom to the very end, and her bewildered and put upon clerical father. Last but not least, a gem from Kate Harper as her friend, another college wife who is only too happy or unhappy to follow the conventional wifely path.

The sparse setting with its hint of great galaxies enables the many small scenes to move seamlessly to its authentic conclusion.

This is its international premiere and The Tabard is to be congratulated on securing a work that deserves and doubtless will achieve much wider recognition.

Richard Langton