The International Youth Arts Festival has inspired a young theatre group Ugly Duckling who will perform Carrie’s War at the performing arts centre at Kingston Grammar School tonight.

Set up by 13-year-old Anastasia Palikeras, the group will perform an adaptation of the popular childrens story about Second World War evacuees. Company members have performed in a number of professional productions including Les Miserables and The Snowman and are looking forward totaking part in the IYAF.

Palikeras says: “I am grateful for the festival for giving me the use of the theatre for my company. When you are young it is very difficult to get people in the industry to take you seriously. I am passionate about acting but find it hard to get a good part as most roles are given to older actors.

“This is an amazing opportunity and a first for the festival. It shows that the organisers are really behind young people. I hope the festival is successful I would love to come back next year.”

Carrie’s War, Performing arts centre, Kingston Grammar School, July 10, 7.30pm, £8/£4.50,