Let’s be honest, unless you’re a cricket fan, In The Box "Keep calm and talk cricket", which came to Leatherhead Theatre on August 19, is not for you.

The production values are minimal, the stage set is simply chairs and glasses of water and you are never going to find yourself on the edge of your seat with suspense.

But then that’s the idea.

From the moment the lights go down and the instantly recognisable Test Match Special theme tune rings out, cut with classic moments of radio commentary, you know "sit back, kick off your shoes and cosy entertainment" is coming your way.

Enter stage left, the BBC’s Ralph Dellor; Jonathan Agnew, the voice of TMS; Mike Gatting, former England captain, and Geoff Miller, former England international and now on the board of selectors.

Dellor interviews each one in turn - akin to an episode of Parkinson - and all three recount anecdotes and opinions that kept the theatre of cricket enthusiasts, yours truly included, enthralled.

Leatherhead Theatre is an intimate setting, meaning no-one was too far away from the amiable chatter on stage.

Only when the topic of players of dubious English nationality being selected for the national side came up, did Miller pull up the media-savvy shutters and the smile disappeared - but only briefly.

The second half consisted of answering questions posed by the audience. These ranged from favourite ground for food - one for Gatting - to the predictable DRS quandary and to favourite sledges at the crease.

It summed up the show well, comfortable, opinionated and full of laughs.