American rockers Fake Problems are coming to the UK to tour with Kingston favourite Frank Turner.

The band will play an instore gig at Banquet Records on Thursday before heading over to McClusky’s later in the evening to warm-up the New Slang crowd before Turner hits the stage.

Singer and rhythm guitarist Chris Farren spoke to Will Gore.

Will Gore: Introduce yourself.

Chris Farren: I’m Chris and I do the singing and the rhythm guitar playing in Fake Problems.

WG: Are you looking forward to touring with Frank Turner?

CF: Yes! Frank Turner is the greatest man in England. He is, honestly, one of the most inspiring songwriters right now.

WG: What is your touring survival strategy?

CF: Get along with your friends and try to stay healthy. Actually, don’t try to stay healthy. Any time I try to stay healthy by sucking down vitamins and orange juice, I end up sick.

WG: Which band member has the worst habits when on tour?

CF: I can’t even begin. We all do some pretty awful things. Not wretched sinful habits... just real gross stuff that no one wants to hear about.

WG: Tell us about your latest album, It’s Great to be Alive CF: It’s a 12-song record that we recorded in Omaha, NE, with AJ Mogis. He has done a lot of really great records by Cursive, The Faint, Criteria, Get Up Kids. He is a really great producer and brought our songs to life.

WG: Influences?

CF: CCR, Blink 182.

WG: How did the band start?

CF: Years ago, us four came together when all of our other bands broke up and we have been rocking as hard as humanly possible ever since.

WG: Best moment?

CF: Playing with the Hold Steady was pretty spectacular. Recording in Omaha as well – that was a dream come true.

WG: Embarrassing moments?

CF: That time we weren’t nominated for any Grammys.

WG: Song you wish you had written.

CF: The entire new Andrew Jackson Jihad record, as well as various M Ward songs.

WG: Fantasy festival line-up?

CF: Fake Problems, Look Mexico, Hold Steady, Blink 182, CCR (reunion), Bob Dylan, Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band, Glassjaw, As Friends Rust (reunion), American Football (reunion).

WG: Nightmare line-up?

CF: Fake Problems, Creed, Nickelback and Brokencyde. That sounds like the worst time ever for me.

WG: Anything else?

CF: Check us out on or fakeproblems

Fake Problems, Banquet Records @ 6pm and New Slang (McClusky’s) @ 9pm, August 27. For more information, visit