
  • Coulsdon Co-op closes doors

    The closure of a Coulsdon supermarket has been blamed on a "red route" traffic flow system outside the store. Co-op managers said the system was one of the reasons why trade at its store had fallen. The supermarket closed on Saturday, March 4, after

  • Bus driver in gun threat

    Police are hunting four teenagers involved in holding a bus driver at gunpoint on the Shrublands estate in Shirley last week. Two young men wearing hooded tops and two younger girls got on the 198 bus while it was stationary in Gorse Road, at the junction

  • Ride through American dream

    If you missed the brilliant one-man show last year, then here's another chance to see the talented Jez Cleburne's take on modern America. On The Verge is a captivating tale of a man, a Harley and an epic journey down Main Street, US. Jez has always had