Surrey Arrhythmia Support group (SurreyASG) were very pleased to have the Epsom Guardian’s help recently when we asked patients to tell us about their experiences relating to stroke and anti-coagulation.

This week, on behalf of SurreyASG, I attended the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Atrial Fibrillation at the House of Commons. Patients’ stories and the risk of stroke if not fully anti-coagulated were discussed. We will continue to lobby for better access to services for local patients.

Dr Julian Jarman, Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at The Royal Brompton Hospital, will speak at the next meeting of SurreyASG about Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation. This will be held at 4.45pm, on the 3rd of December, in the Post-Graduate Medical Centre at Epsom Hospital. All are welcome and no booking is required. For more information email: or call: 07986564651.

Jane Race,

Chair and Public Lead of SurreyASG