The Epsom Guardian has seldom published so selfish a letter as that from K.Stephenson about the Human Rights Act (The 'great' human rights act, October 23).   Advocating its abolition because he feels no need of its protection is a classic " I'm All Right, Jack " attitude and tantamount to abolishing the NHS because you've never had a heart attack.

If Mr Stephenson suffered injustice or damage the English courts wouldn't remedy he would undoubtedly hot-foot it to the European Court of Human Rights and be thankful for the chance of redress.  He shouldn't despise people less fortunate than himself and should respect and support LibDem politicians like Stephen Gee who stand up for the disadvantaged and under-privileged against those eager to deny them justice and fair play.

Tabloids make millions from the gullible with lurid, biased and inaccurate stories of alleged abuse of the HR Act but if loopholes need closing it should be by selective amendment not by throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


Sutton Lane
