York Gardens Library is reopening on November 1 as a 'big society' library.

The library was threatened with permanent closure earlier this year, but was saved when councillors voted to keep running it.

It will be staffed by a library manager and two full time assistants, with support from 12 volunteers.

The volunteers, members of the Friends of York Gardens, will help with the day-to-day running of the library.

A grant of £5,000 was awarded from the Big Society Fund to help the volunteers run the library.

Sonia Francis Mills, chairwoman of Friends of York Gardens said: "While we remain disappointed that Wandsworth Council singled out this library, initially for closure and now to be its big society pilot, we are pleased at the way the community has come together and that today the library remains open."

The library has been closed since September and will reopen primarily as a children's library, with computers and a hall space available to rent.

Campaigners from Wandsworth Against Cuts, parents and local people protested earlier this year when it was ear-marked for closure.

A petition of over 1,000 signatures against the closure was handed to the council in January.

Sandra Munoz-Alvarez, a mum-of-one and volunteer said: "Everybody wanted to keep it as it was but it was not possible, but it is better having it as a big society library rather than closing it down.

"The most important thing is to keep it for the children."

An event is being held on Tuesday, November 1 at the library from 6pm to celebrate the reopening.

It will then be open Tuesday and Wednesday from 12noon to 7pm, Thursday and Friday 12noon to 6pm and Saturday 12noon to 4pm.

Charity events are being planned to generate more funds for the library.