A 51-year-old man has been fined after his Staffordshire bull terrier attacked two other pets.

Paul Robinson, of Jacobson Court on the Surrey Lane estate, Battersea, was prosecuted after two incidents involving his dog, Dice, being off her lead.

At the start of January Dice attacked a young cocker spaniel leaving it badly injured and a few weeks later she attacked a Boxer dog that belonged to one of Mr Robinson’s neighbours.

The dog was left with two deep puncture wounds to his chin.

As a result of the council’s investigation and subsequent legal action, Mr Robinson was convicted of three dog byelaw offences and fined £100 with costs of £120. He was also ordered to pay the two other owners compensation totaling £450.

Mr Robinson has agreed to sign an acceptable behaviour contract which requires him to keep Dice under tight control at all times. A breach of the contract could result in further legal action.

Your Local Guardian: Wandsworth Councillor Paul Ellis

Housing spokesman, Councillor Paul Ellis, said: “The council will not hesitate in taking legal action against owners who do not control their dogs properly or allow them to cause nuisance or harm to others.”

If you need advice about dog control call 0208 871 7606 or email dogcontrol@wandsworth.gov.uk.