Back to work or school on 'miserable Monday' or just adjusting to the Christmas come-down.

Ignore the doom and gloom. Here's our 10 reasons to be happy in 2015.

Congratulations, you have survived the compulsory Christmas food binge without having a coronary!

The in-laws and extended family have gone home, the mess is cleaned up, so you can enjoy some peace and quiet at home again.

We're not battling through snow or ice to get to work or up to our necks in floodwater like this time last year.

Get a real sense of satisfaction today by living by your new year resolutions. (And if you haven’t made any then why not do it today?)

It may be a pain being at work today, but at least you still have a job. And if you don’t then you are lucky not to have to go in to work on misery Monday.

If you are reading this then you are awake, alive, have got a computer/tablet/mobile and the whole day ahead to surf the internet for fun things.

Christmas may be over but the sales are still on. Indulge in some retail therapy today and snap up a few bargains.

If 2014 wasn’t a great year for you then there is a good chance 2015 will be better.

You get to choose who runs the country this year. Why not start deciding who you are going to send to No10 and who you want to get the sack.

There are only 354 days until next Christmas!